There is a common theme running through the bible. Salvation, through God‘s mighty work, by a common source:
1. The Red Blood of the lamb
2. The Red Sea
3. The Red cord
4. The Red blood of Jesus
The Israelites are instructed to sacrifice a lamb and dip hyssop in the blood and splash it on the top and sides of the door frame. I visualise this as blood in the middle of the lintel, and blood on the door posts just above half way up. This would correspond with the blood from Jesus crown of thorns on the lintel, and the blood from his hands on the door posts; a type of the cross!
To be safe from the destroying angel they must remain “under the blood”. Anyone, Israelite or Egyptian, outside the cover of the blood would be subject to the plague on the first born.
Read - Exodus 12:21-30
Having escaped from slavery to the Egyptians, the Israelites are now trapped by the Red Sea. The Egyptians are closing in; God works a miracle to save the entire nation. By passing through the Red Sea they are safe on the other side. This would have taken a certain amount of courage (faith?). Anyone foolish enough to stay on the far side would fall victim to the Egyptian forces. This reminds me of the salvation of sinners, freed from the slavery of sin. Once through the Red Sea of Jesus blood we are safe from our sins; they are as harmless to us as the dead Egyptians on the shore! But we have to take that step of faith!
Read -Exodus 14:19-31
Joshua sends two spies to check out Jericho. Rahab, an Inn keeper(prostitute?), hides them and makes an agreement with them. A Red Cord in the window will guarantee the safety of her and all in the house when Jericho falls to the Israelites. Her safety and the rest of her family depends on the spies making it back to safety, otherwise the cord would mean nothing to the invading forces. She sends them away when the coast is clear.
She shows her faith in Gods power to give Jericho into the hands of the Israelites. Now she puts her faith in the Red Cord of salvation. The walls of Jericho are no match for The Living God, Jericho falls to Israel, all inhabitants outside the door of Rahab’s house are destroyed, only the ones inside are saved! Here again the Gospel is portrayed! Only a few are saved, the ones under the cover of the Red Cord.
Rahab is not only spared but goes on to marry an Israelite named Salmon, ( Matt1:5), has a son named Boaz, (remember him?), who marries Ruth. They are the great grandparents of King David! Where would King David be if his great, great granny hadn’t had faith for salvation? Isn’t our God amazing!
Read - Joshua 2:17—21 and Joshua 6:20—25.
The first three scriptures were just shadows of what was to come! This is the real deal! This is the real salvation of all mankind by the Red blood of God’s only Son! Here we see Jesus, our sacrificial lamb, dying on the cross and shedding his precious blood for our sins.
This is our Red Sea! We are safe on the other side! Our sins are under the blood and we have eternal life through God’s ancient plan finding its fulfilment in Jesus death and resurrection at Passover, our Easter 1 John 5:11-12
Read - Matt 26:26—28, and Matt 27:27—54
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